Brad Young

About Me
Working More Efficiently

When it comes to managing a business, things aren't always completely clear. It isn't always simple to know how to handle certain situations, which is why a focus on efficiency needs to be at the top of your priority list. A few years ago, I realized that industrial and manufacturing businesses were some of the most efficient businesses out there, so I set out to learn more. Nowadays, I consider myself a manufacturing enthusiast, and I can tell you that some of these companies have things down to a science. Check out this blog for more information on learning the tricks of the trade.


Building A Green Home? 4 Must-Have Natural Products For Your New House

3 May 2017
 Categories: Industrial & Manufacturing, Blog

Green is in! More people are building green or environmentally friendly homes than ever before. Not only does green home construction save the environment by reducing land-fill waste and slowing down deforestation, it saves homeowners a lot of money. Thanks to renewable energy sources and efficient appliances, a green home can reduce utility bills by 30 to 60 percent. All of these are good reasons to make your next home a green home. Read More …

Using Metal Stamping in an Industrial Setting

6 April 2017
 Categories: Industrial & Manufacturing, Blog

Stamping metal is a common practice that has several different purposes depending on the tools equipment used. Many different materials can be stamped, shaped, or changed using this process and there are are many different methods that can be used to complete the work. In some cases, stamping can be used to mark a material, in other cases, it may be used to completely change it and create something from the metal. Read More …

Removing Moisture From Industrial Compressed Air Systems

6 April 2017
 Categories: Industrial & Manufacturing, Blog

Air systems can be used for a lot of different purposes including driving pneumatic tools, spraying paint, and operating large pieces of equipment in small and large businesses. No matter what the purpose, the one common thing between all these systems is that moisture will build up in the process of compressing the air. It is a side effect that can not be eliminated, but there are ways to deal with the moisture before it gets into the system. Read More …

Need To Purchase A Pressure Transmitter? Tips To Help You Choose The Right One

6 April 2017
 Categories: Industrial & Manufacturing, Blog

A pressure transmitter is used to measure how much pressure is exerted by liquid or gas. The transmitter also controls the pressure levels on the flow of fluid or gas, as well as the speed. When shopping for a pressure transmitter you will find different types. Below is some more information about this so you will choose the right one for you. Choose the Type of Pressure Measurements When looking at pressure transmitters you will see they can perform different types of pressure measurements, and the amounts are displayed in different units. Read More …

Guidelines for Testing and Grading Your Soil and Land

6 April 2017
 Categories: Industrial & Manufacturing, Blog

When you work in the construction, industrial, and manufacturing business, it pays to have scientific studies done that will give you the lay of the land. In this regard, you will need to team up with agricultural and geotechnical engineers who are skilled at what they do. They will be able to give you information related to soil quality testing and land grading. To learn more about these points, read on and start reaching out to professionals who can assist you. Read More …